Friday, February 13, 2009

Seven Things

Apparently I've been tagged to list seven things people might not know about me and have seven other bloggers do the same.

1. I like the smell of dirt. Potting soil straight from the bag and right after it rains are the best!

2. I love bananas. Unless we are out, it's usually the first thing I eat when I get up and sometimes I'll eat up to three in a day. Usually I have to go to the store like two or three times a week just for bananas (Matt likes them too!).

3. Mowing the lawn is my favorite outside chore. I like to watch the progress and the difference between the short and long grass. It always looks so much better when it's done. So I'm pretty much the designated lawn mower in the fam. I'm not sure if Matt has even used our new lawn mower yet (not a complaint). It should look pretty interesting this spring if I'm out mowing the lawn 8 mo. preggo. Haha - I'm sure Matt will help me out then:)

4. I'm a procrastinator. My latest moment was probably paying bills in bed on my phone the same day they were due:)

5. I have quite a disliking for cats. Yeah I know I have a picture on my blog of me holding a cute little kitten, but kittens grow up to be cats. Cats that some of your co-workers might like to let in your office....and that might poop under your table.....and you might not know about it until after your client is laying face down with their head right over the poop...and they might never call to reschedule with you ever again. And then you might have nightmares about certain cats that hang around your office! YIKES! I'm pretty vocal about the "incidence" and the cat coming to visit now.

6. I would much rather go hiking in the mountains than be laying on the beach. At this point in my life I hate sunbathing! No worries though....Hawaii is still PLENTY fun!

7. I'm a bit of a craigs list shopper lately. Recently I've scored a nice sectional, baby furniture, and an air compressor. Call me cheap but I think I'm getting more bang for my buck!

I'm tagging

Heather Y.
Heather K.
Aunt Chandra

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