Friday, January 9, 2009

My Dad is AWESOME!

We've been doing some home remodeling...or pretending like we are anyway. We cut the enterance to the kitchen in half and put a pantry on the kitchen side. In all the works were some electrical modifications....i.e. moving outlets and switches etc. We sort of forgot to move one of them that was on our living room side before we put the sheetrock up. So it had been that way for a few weeks. Yeah we can be kind of SLOW on some projects (especially intimidating ones that we know nothing about!). So my dad and Rory stoped on their way through to Moses Lake this week and they asked what they could do to help. I said we needed to move the light switch to the end of the wall and within like an hour or two DONE! And this was not just ANY light switch. It turned on the living rrom light if and only if the switch all the way across the dining room was off....and if you wanted them both on at the same time, well you had to have one of the dining room switches off the other on and the living room on. Who wired up this place anyway? So I guess it's a pretty simple three way switch...if you are an electrician that is! So he got it all fixed up! The living room turns on by it self now! How exciting for us! You would think being the daughter of an electrician, I would know all of this...but no! You know what they say about dentist's kids? They always have the worst teeth! I would like to say that I know enough not to stick my finger in an electric socket...but upon examining an outlet that we wired up the other night...I electricuted myself! How did it feel might you ask? It was well...shocking! Not that bad really...just a little zap! But needless to say, I did learn a little about this whole electric least not to put myself between the hot and neutral wires:)

Dad sporting his Intermountain Electric hat!


The Jackson Clan said...

Dad is great isnt he. I cant wait till friday it will be a BLAST

Brenny said...

Darren would say that is how you test a socket is working -- you touch it! :) It is nice to get projects done. I am intrigued to see what you did with the kitchen pantry...

Anna Beal said...

Gotta love DADS! If we had to re-model, I would probably just have to hire mine to do all the work. I am cluless!

Brittany said...

Congrats on having a boy! I know, I'm a little late with this one. It'll be nice for him to have a boy cousin close to his age!

The Jackson Clan said...

It was so much fun. I am glad you stayed the extra night. Ross was SCARY I thought. Na I just learned to take it from you guys because I know you arn't going to stop anytime soon.

The Jackson Clan said...

Ya I was a little scared when I heard their answer. I was like WOW how do you know that.