Sunday, February 15, 2009

Did you seriously just say that?!?

Heres a few of the more interesting things people have said to me since I've been pregnant...

-Old instructor/co-worker: "Was it planned?"

-Co-worker: "I can't wait for you to get a Buddah belly so I can rub it and make a wish!"

-Girl at Office Depot: "Holy cow! Is there a baby in there?"

-Guy on the treadmill one over from me: "Got company?"

-Client: "That just kicks all the selfishness right out of ya!"

I love the things some people say!!


Carolyn said...

hahaha. Oh man, where do people come up with stuff like this?

Brenny said...

That is great! The one asking if there was a baby in there is classic. I totally want to see a picture of you prego! Have Matt snap one next time you get the chance.

danielle said...

I totally love the buhhda thing...jesse rubs my belly all the time and says.."oh lucky buhhda" it doesn't bother me, but having a stranger do that would bother me. hopefully things are going well for you!