Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shooting the Moon and a shout out to MCP blog

I'm kind of a newbie follower to the MCP action blog but have found it quite fun and interesting to visit the last couple of months. I was surprised to learn that there have already been 1000 posts to it! Crazy! Where have I been?
One post that I really enjoyed (along with the numerous tips posted on facebook) was how to "shoot the moon"!
I've NEVER taken pictures of the moon, or even really looked at and enjoyed the detail! It was so fun a couple of weeks ago just to sit outside (in the cold!) and enjoy the beauty of the moon. I think I got a couple of decent shots for a first timer too.
Normally I would shoot for all the "recommended" settings. However, I learned by using a tripod, underexposing, and using a greater depth of field, the end results were much better and showed some awesome detail!

Here's a link to one of my favorites that I captured on super moon night!

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